Saturday, May 15, 2010

My Favorite Art Cars 2010

Sorry Pan readers for being so lazy the pst week or so. I'll try to make up for it. As is my custom, I went to the Art Car Parade this year. I was with my brother, one of my sisters, and a niece and nephew. (We were supposed to meet my cousins but managed to never find them.) Great fun as usual, and unusually nice weather!

I don't know who created the cars below. If you do, please comment! But I liked them all.

Art Cars

This car was badass.

Art Cars

Dogs were a common theme. Why? Because everybody likes dogs I guess. (I'm more of a cat person, but that's OK. I like dogs, too.)

Art Cars

Art Cars

Art Cars

This one was actually the last car in the parade, and a good choice for the closer.

There were other animals, too.

Art Cars

Art Cars

Art Cars

I think this amazing vehicle was made by Mark Bradford, aka Scrap Daddy.

Art Cars

I thought this truck looked cool, and was amazed to see that it was a rolling tribute to Molly Ivins.

Last, here are two that use yarn.

Art Cars

Art Cars

It's a tough choice, but I think this last one is the most beautiful car. The colors and wavey patterns just feel right to me.


  1. The last dog car is called Atomic Dog, One Nation Under Groove and was created by Waltrip High School. It is one of my very favorite Art Cars.

    Percy Peacock was done by home school students. That one is fun too. And I also love the blue yarn car. It's beautiful.

  2. Thanks for the info! Waltrip High School evidently has some outrageously creative kids!
