Hennessy Youngman speaks!: Popular YouTube art commentator, Hennessy Youngman, is interviewed by the Bad at Sports crew. Amazingly, it's semi-serious. But still funny. (Bad at Sports)

Mission Year Arts Team, First Ward sign
Real Estate Sign Art in the First Ward: These mysterious signs have popped up in the rapidly gentrifying First Ward. The comments to this Swamplot post are especially harsh--unofficial art is extremely disturbing to many folks, it seems. The artists are apparently the "Mission Year Arts Team," a Christian group associated with Ecclesia. (Swamplot)

Nicolas Poussin, The Triumph of Pan, 1636
In 1636, Nicolas Poussin painted a masterpiece about this blog: The Triumph of Pan. So true, isn't it? Thanks, Nicolas! I wish more current-day artists did classical subjects. (The National Gallery)
This is the most insane Twitter feed ever: PeanutsFreeMom is protecting the children from the horror that is Peanuts. Sample Tweet: "Degenerate crusties? http://t.co/KyPciA6 .. or PIG PEN? http://t.co/aXkyp95 . YOU CAN'T TELL!"

Brian Piana, Favified Houston Fine Art Fair Logo, 2011
Playing it very safe: Brian Piana applied his favification powers to the logos of the two competing art fairs in Houston, the Houston Fine Art Fair and the Texas Contemporary. Brian, don't you know that in situations like this, you have to choose sides? Trying to be nice to both fairs just makes you look like an indecisive wimp! (Houstonartfairs.com)

Mel Chin, Safe House, photographed in 2008 (Eliot Kamenitz, The Times Picayune)
Parachute curators and what remains: This brutal article (and the articles it links to) about Kirsha Kaechele speaks about how she came to New Orleans (before Katrina) started KK Projects, turned several houses in New Orlean's Seventh Ward into artists spaces, including one called Safe House by Mel Chin (we Houstonians saw a version of this at the No Zoning show at CAMH). Then Kaechele apparently got bored and moved away to Tasmania. Her properties have fallen into ruin. Amazingly, she attempts to bullshit her way out of it with various excuses and promises. Do any New Orleans folks out there have an opinion about Kaechele? I'm wondering if she wasn't someone who just got over her head. It's always a good idea to know your limits. (Hyperallergic)

Mel Chin, remains of Safe House, photographed in 2011 (Eliot Kamenitz, The Times Picayune)

Thanks for including my latest piece in your Link list. In defense of being labeled an indecisive wimp, however, I must say this piece – like many of my other works – is presented in an objective manner. I'm simply intrigued by our city suddenly having two art fairs a mere month apart, and I wanted to have a little fun pitting them against one another visually. It's not meant to be a takedown of either fair. (I'll save that for the critics!)
ReplyDeleteBrian, I was just joking. In fact, just because the two fairs apparently hate each other, there is no rational reason for any of us civilians to take sides. I just find the notion that one might take sides amusing. It wasn't an actual criticism; it was a joke.
ReplyDeleteNo offense was taken. Anytime a joke will let me spill a few words on my practice, I'll take it! The months leading up to the fairs should be interesting for any casual Houston art observer.