Monday, February 1, 2021

Robert Boyd's Book Reports: A Bunch of Comics

 Robert Boyd

Today I reported on several graphic novels and comic books. I looked at Ant Colony by Michael deForge, The Show Must Go On by Roger Langridge, Martin Peters by Patrick Allaby, A Single Match by Oji Suzuki, Like a Dog by Zak Sally, Mirror Mirror edited by Blaise Larmee, Anti-Gone by Connor Willumsen, The Weight by Melissa Mendes, Finnegan's Wake by Nicolas Mahler and James Joyce, Man Made Lake by Aidan Koch, Sufficient Lucidity by Tommi Parrish, and Pirate & Parrot by Lukas Weidinger (the last four all published by kuš!). I mentioned I had a post about Koyama Press. And I mentioned that Roger Langridge's somewhat daily strip, Hotel Fred, can be found on twitter.

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