photo by Shira Golding
A few days ago, I made a pitch to you, my readers, to support the Many Mini art residency at Skydive. And by "support," I meant to pledge some actual money via Kickstarter. There are four days left on this campaign, and 31 backers have pledged $1160 so far. That's an average of $37.42 per backer so far. That's pretty affordable, right? $37.42? If we can get 56 more people to donate that amount, we will meet the goal of $3250. This pays for the curators and some of the artists to travel here, their room and board while here, and all the expenses associated with the residencies.
56 generous art-lovers. That's it. I know way more than 56 people will read this post. All you need to do it go over to Kickstarter and promise $37.42.
And to make it a little easier on you... Here's the deal. For every $10 donated from now on, I will donate $1. A 10% matching fund. If you give $37, I will donate an additional $3.70. So any donation you give will have a 10% extra boost from yours truly.
Help the Many Mini do its week-long, 24-7, 50+ artist hullabaloo. Give the Many Mini $37, or $40 or $50. And I will add in an additional 10%. We just need 50-ish new donors. You can do it!

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