It's August and art is supposed to stop. We're supposed to be relaxing in our summer homes in Maine. Or if that option is a bit above our socio-economic status, we should be spending every spare second soaking in a tub of gin and tonics. When it's 1032 degrees (like it is right now), we aren't supposed to be out looking at art. You people need to get with the program. Instead you keep putting on art shows that I want to go see. Curse you!
JooYoung Choi, Sacrifice of Putt-Putt, 2013, acrylic and paper on canvas, 75 x 70 inches
The Big Slide Show at Lawndale Art Center, 6–7 pm, with five minute presentations by Perry Chandler, JooYoung Choi, K.C. Collins, Bryan Forrester, Jenna Jacobs, Carrie Markello, Leo Medrano, Mari Omori, Bernice Peacock, Ellen Phillips, Natalie Rodgers, Nana Sampong, Rosalind Speed, Chadwick + Spector, Adair Stephens, Happy Valentine and Camille Warmington. The first half of this annual event was last night. The second half is tonight. The Big SLide Show is an excellent way to see and hear a bunch of local artists you never have seen before.

photography by David Salinas
Mid Main First Thursday, starting at 5 pm and carrying on til very late, with Main Street Projects "Time + Process" featuring artists David Salinas and Bret Shirley, My Flaming Heart featuring mixed media artist and photographer Jaz Henry and AURORA PICTURE SHOW film screening featuring AFA @ the Art Garden 8:30 pm, as well as many musical and other acts at various venues including The Continental Club, Shoeshine Charlie’s Big Top, Tacos A Go-Go, Sig’s Lagoon, My Flaming Heart, The Tinderbox, Double Trouble, The Alley Kat and Natachee’s. All of this is a benefit for American Festival for the Arts, so that's your justification for all this partying.
Salon des Refusés at BLUEorange Contemporary 6–9 pm, featuring art by Jim Adams, Chris Comperry, Zoanna DaLuz Maney, Luisa Duarte, Carlos Garcia, Cinthia Gomez, David Granitz, J.G. Harkins, Linda Harmes, Peter Janecke, Anne Jensen, Naz Kaya-Erdal, C. Michael Krzeslenski, Corey Beth LaBuff, Larry Larrinaga, David McClain, Abigail McLaurin, Monica Melgar, Adam Miles, Stephen Parker, Lucia Pena, Mitch Samuels aka "grystar", K. Shelton, Becky R. Soria, Margo Stutts Toombs & Kapir Nair, Charles Tatum II, Dianne K. Webb and Charisse Weston. Part 3 of the Salon des Refusés. See what didn't make the grade for the Big Show and you can decide whether there was a grave injustice done by excluding these pieces, or if this is, as Dean Liscum writes, a "Fun-Fair-Positive" art exhibit.

Catherine Colangelo, Quilt Square #16
Ratio featuring art by Tara Conley, Allison Hunter, Catherine Colangelo, Heath Brodie, Nicholas Auger and Sophie Clyde and curator Jonathan Clarke at Darke Gallery. A bittersweet show--the last at Darke Gallery.

Esteban Delgado
Esteban Delgado: Abstractive Constructions at Avis Frank, 6 to 8 pm. Hard-edge abstraction refuses to die! Come see Delgado's paintings, and if I interpreted the photos I saw correctly, his wall-painting as well.

Mark Perry, Time I, 2009, 14×14″, oil on canvas
Summer Breeze: Mark Perry, Danville Chadbourne & Alex Shinoghara at Zoya Tommy Contemporary, 6:30 to 10 pm. Three fairly dissimilar artists share the gallery space. I hope the title of this show indicates that she will have the AC turned way up.

Mat Brinkman, from Heads Collider, copublished by PictureBox and Le Dernier Cri
The Burning Bones Press Open House featuring Le Dernier Cri at Burning Bones Press, 2–5 pm. Did you know that "puking eyeballs" in French is "vomir des yeux"? For 20-odd years, Dernier Cri has been committing crimes against art from their home base in Marseilles with such artists as Blanquett, Thomas Ott, Fabio Zimbres, Julie Doucet, Georgeanne Dean, Mark Beyer and Takashi Nemoto, just to name a few of my favorites from the many astonishing artists with whom they have done graphic work. I'm not sure what will be at this Burning Bones stop, but this is an absolute must to see this Saturday.

Kia Neill, Small Spore Study
Striations - Work by Kia Neill & Margaret Withers at Ggallery, 6 to 9 pm. This is an interesting pairing--Neill and Withers each make work with organic elements that on the face of it seem to compliment each others' work quite well. Looking forward to this one.

Rock Romano, Detail, acrylic on canvas, 24"x 30"
Rock Romano at d.m. allison, 6–8 pm. Rock Romano, aka Dr. Rockit, has rocked Houston since the 60s as a member of Sixpentz and Dr. Rockit and the Sisters of Mercy, and now has his own recording studio up in the Heights. But can he paint? I dunno, but the jpegs on d.m. allison's website look pretty groovy.

The title of the show "SUMMER BREEZE" is in celebration of the hot season so we are serving up special summer drinks to cool you down and showing three new artists that have absolutely nothing in common...but amazing and wonderful art! thanks for the mention Robert! Hope to see you here!Zoya