The new Stimulus Package was tonight, and it didn't really settle the questions because it was held at Ggallery. It was still put together by the same people, but now in a bigger gallery. It looked like there was more art, too.

Here's some of the art I liked there.

Sarah Jawda, untitled, photograph
I liked the juxtaposition of barcode and "fuck me heels." I guess it could be read as saying sex is a commodity. Jawda is a designer and half of the design crew Jawda and Jawda.

Marzia Faggin, not sure what the title is, painting
I saw a couple of Marzia Faggin paintings at Poissant Gallery last month, and liked them a lot. I liked her work in this show as well. The work she showed here--this painting and a couple of other pieces--is drastically different from the work I saw before. I wonder where she is coming from with her work? It's hard to reconcile the work I've seen. I like it all, though.

Chris Olivier, untitled, lightbulbs, nuts, bolts, wire, 2010
I liked these a lot and I almost got one. Picking them up is a trip--they weigh quite a bit. I was worried about how to display it. It seemed very fragile, very breakable. A functionless object made out of very functional pieces. Chris Olivier was apparently part of I Love You Baby and now also makes art under the moniker Bexar.

Allison Hunter, untitled 23, photograph
I was really harsh about Allison Hunter's Diverse Works installation Zoosphere. On the opposite scale, her four tiny pastel photos of lambs and birds that were on display here were really good. They seemed so plastic and wrong, yet with a subtle hint of sincerity that undercut the airless irony. I liked them quite a lot.

unknown artist, unknown title, phtoograph
I don't remember who this artist was. It looks like he or she took a piece of 35 mm film and blew it up, sprocket holes and all. The image could almost be newsreel footage of Evita Peron. The photo I took of it has a bunch of blue reflection in it. At first I was bummed, but the more I look at it, the more I like the reflections! It was just what the piece was missing! Kidding--I liked it for what it was. The hugely blown up motion picture film worked for me.
I liked some other art as well--enough that I bought it. But that's another post.
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