Summit Teaser #2 from Creative Time on Vimeo.
CreativeTime Summit at Farish Hall, Kiva Room 101, The University of Houston, Main Campus, 9 am – 5 pm. This is a live streaming of the Creative Time Summit in New York. Speakers and panelists will include Rick Lowe, Vito Acconci, Lucy Lippard, Mel Chin, and many other very ernest people.

Nadezda Prvulovic, Red, 2012-13, gouache on paper & canvas, 63 x 59 inches
Nadezda Prvulovic: Blast Furnaces – Concluding the Series at Anya Tish Gallery, 6–8:30 pm. Nearly 50 years ago, Nadezda Prvulovic started painting blast furnaces. Now she's done.

This is the top image from Peter LaBier's Tumblr
Houston Galeria: Jacqueline Gendel, Tim Lokiec, and Peter LaBier at The Brandon, 7–10 pm. It's been 35 year since 'Bad' Painting (featuring Houston's own Earl Staley) and it still seems to be a thing. The Brandon is living up to its promise to bring interesting non-Houstonian contemporary artists to town with this show.

Sondra Perry
Ex-ile featuring Blanka Amezkua, Darwin Arevalo, Rushern Baker IV, Arthur Brum, Caroline Chandler, Oscar Rene Cornejo, Sandra Cornejo, Abigail Deville, Tomashi Jackson, Alex Larsen, Eric Mack, Harold Mendez, Robert Nava, Tammy Nguyen, Sondra Perry, Ronny Quevedo, David Salinas, Rodrigo Valenzuela and Sam Vernonat at El Rincón Social, 8 pm – 2 am. One night only. The description of the show is soporific: "Exile explores the boundaries between individual expression and the disintegration of human traces on the economic, social, and political field. The artists featured in this exhibition use artifacts as a means to evoke the obscurity of this disintegration — exploring with materials to communicate and testify to a suppressed history. Exile presents works that recontextualize exiled historical narratives into present personal narratives." It goes on in a similar manner for another paragraph. I hope the art isn't as boring as this.

Leo Vroegindeweij, Camel Carrying an Hour Glass, 2013, plastic, glass, sand, 17x29x13cm
Leo Vroegindeweij: Mutatis Mutandis at Zoya Tommy Contemporary, 6 to 8 pm. Dutch artist Leo Vroegindeweij brings his work to Houston.

Bas Poulos, Figure with Ribbons, acrylic on metal on wood
26th Annual Día de los Muertos Gala & Retablo Silent Auction at Lawndale Art Center, 6 to 9 pm. Ugh, its gala season again. The people at CultureMap and Paper City must be ecstatic. Well, if you have to go to a gala, Lawndale's Día de los Muertos is a good one because you get an opportunity to bid on moderately priced little pieces of art, like this lovely one by Bas Poulos, which combines "mid-century abstraction" and "dirty old man" into one slyly beautiful composition.
Dennis Harper's Time Machine will be auctioned off.
BOXtoberfest! at BOX 13 ArtSpace, 12 to 7 pm. This is about as close to a gala as Box 13 is gonna get. It is a day-long party that will culminate with a parade--the float for which will be made on site live with audience participation. Bands, a raffle, beer, artists, etc.

Oscar Guerra
Oscar Guerra and Selected African Objects at Gallery Jatad, 3 to 6 pm. A show delayed by fire, Gallery Jatad reopens for good this time (fingers crossed!). Oscar Guerra will finally get his moment in the sun.

Rahul Mitra, Dumping out of the System, 2011, acrylic on paper, 22 1/4 x 29 3/4 inches
RAHUL MITRA: Race, Religion, Politics, Art and Sex at the end of the world at Hooks-Epstein Galleries, 6 to 8 pm. Fresh from his triumph in Tulsa, Rahul Mitra is back in Houston with a new show.

Jimmy James Canales
Fair Play featuring Albert Alvarez, Jimmy James Canales, Jimmy Castillo, Adriana Coral, Carlos Hernandez, Carlos Don Juan, Juan de dios Mora and Alex Rubio at Nicole Longnecker Gallery, 5–8 pm. A group show of Mexican and Chicano artists.

Daniel Anguilu, Untitled (Blue Mask), 2013 aerosol spray paint on panel 48 x 36 inches
Daniel Anguilu: Kaleidoscope at PEVETO, 6 to 8 pm. Also straight from his triumph in Tulsa (Gallery Row is showing a lot of work by the Cargo Space artists, it seems!), Daniel Anguilu's stained-glass-like spray paint paintings will be on display.

Howard Sherman, Metaphysical Batman, 2013, acrylic, marker and acid free canvas on paper, 83 x 76 x 13 inches
Howard Sherman: Metaphysical Batman at McMurtrey Gallery, 6:00 - 8:00 pm. Howard Sherman will be showing his new collage-based work in an exhibit that has the best title that I've heard for a long time.

daniel-kayne: Reflections on Reality at Deborah Colton Gallery, 6–9 pm. A one-night tribute to the late daniel-kayne. Music, readings, performance and art.

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