Anne J. Regan, Partner, Receiver, Cartographer, paper Regan slept with for 100 nights, 2010
I mentioned the Louise Bourgeois tribute show at Darke Gallery in my previous post. I liked the show quite a lot, but by the time I had time to write about it, it was down. (It's always a game of catch-up here at the Great God Pan...). There is a new show in the downstairs gallery (Marcelyn McNeil), but many of the pieces from the tribute show are still on view upstairs, including this piece by Anne J. Regan.
Artists have a bunch of different relationships with their materials. They might feel indifferent to them or in love with them. Regan takes loving her materials to a whole new level here be sleeping with a piece of paper for 100 days. The paper is in pretty good shape, considering. A piece like this, where the process is so important, really makes a viewer ask some questions. First of all--was Regan sleeping alone all this time? If not, what did her partner think? "Honey, we have to share the bed with this piece of paper, OK?"
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