Sometimes I have an urge to make a video instead of writing a review. It's not that it's easier than writing (in fact, editing on CyberLink PowerDirector is pretty difficult, especially for a novice like me). It's just that there are some shows that don't make sense unless you walk through them, and that's what a video can do better than writing.
Also, I was a little reluctant to write a review of this show by Linda Post and Jim Nolan. The thing is--and this has to be admitted to right up front--I own pieces by both of these artists. So anything I would write is inherently suspect. That's the problem with being a collector/critic.
That said, here's what I saw when I saw Low Impact (Resistance to Flow / ThisIsBobDylantoMe) Subject to Change (whew) by Linda Post and Jim Nolan at Lawndale Art Center.
(By the way, I'd like to apologize to Mr. Vito Acconci for mispronouncing his name)

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