Rigoberto Gonzalez, The Zetas Cartel Beheading Their Rivals (Se Los Cargo La Chingada), Oil on linen, 7' x 7'
I always read Glasstire and use it as a resource (they have the best art listings--totally crucial for me). And I want to point people to good writing about local art. After all, we have less and less of that here as time goes on. So if you aren't already reading Glasstire, do so. And in any case, read this spectacular 2-part piece on Harlingen-based painter, Rigoberto Gonzalez, who has a provocative (if poorly lit) show up currently at the Art League. What I like about it is that even though author Sarah Frisch interviewed Gonzalez, she doesn't merely depend on the interview--she approaches the artist and his art from multiple angles. Her writing is personal, but as the article goes on, she cedes more and more ground to Gonzalez. You can read part 1 here and part 2 here.

Yeah the paintings are at a disadvantage at the ALH, with the lighting, slack canvases and sunken-in areas, but worth a see. And Fisch's piece is really good aside from her too uncritical praise for the artist's craft. The camera has left its morbid little foot-prints all over the work, IMO.